Telah Terbit: Flowing Wealth Building River Infrastructure and Harnessing Energy

Authors: Deny Willy Junaidy, Mindriany Syafila, Qomarudin Helmy, Yuli Setyo Indartono, Rino Rakhmata Mukti, Mohammad Farid

Series: Rivers Toolbox

Penerbit: ITB Press

ISBN: 978-623-297-438-8
e-ISBN: 978-623-297-439-5 (PDF)


The book Flowing Wealth Building River Infrastructure and Harnessing Energy contains the application of technology in managing water resources. Includes environmentally friendly aquaculture technology through zero water discharge, recirculating aquaculture, training in the production of synbiotic fish feed in closed aquaculture systems, conversion of organic waste into animal feed, and technology for cleaning rivers from water hyacinth, as well as water utilization. water hyacinth becomes a more useful product.

It is hoped that the documentation of the application of simple, appropriate technology in overcoming river management challenges in the three books in the “Rivers Toolbox” series will provide inspiration and learning, as well as provide insight and options for applying science and technology in overcoming broader challenges in the field of river management.


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