ITB Press

Segera Terbit: International Conference of Optimization and Financial Mathematics (ICOFM)

Theme: The Role of Optimization and Financial Mathematics in the Fast-Moving and Data-Driven WorldEditors: Novriana Sumarti,Dila PuspitaReviewers: Nicholas Privault, Giorgio Consigli, Jinggong Zhang, Che Mohd Imron Che Taib, Xiaoping Lu, Khreshna I.A. Syuhada, Robert Saragih, Sri Redjeki PF, Adhitya Ronnie Effendie, Erwinna ChendraAuthors: Andi Rafiqa Faradiyah, Annisa Rahmienda Maha, Annisaa’ Rahmaah Nurul Syawal, Asri Bekti […]

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