Segera Terbit: International Conference of Optimization and Financial Mathematics (ICOFM)

Editors: Novriana Sumarti, Nicholas Privault, Kuntjoro Adji Sidarto, Xin She Yang, Giorgo Consigli, Jinggong Zhang, Che Mohd Imron Che Taib, Xiaoping Lu, Khreshna I.A. Syuhada, Felix Go, Robert Saragih, Sri Redjeki PF, Diah Chaerani, Endah Rokhmawati, Adhitya Ronnie Effendie, Erwinna Chendra

Authors: Andi Rafiqa Faradiyah, Annisa Rahmienda Maha, Annisaa’ Rahmaah Nurul Syawal, Asri Bekti Pratiwi, Auli Damayanti, Dewi Handayani, Edi Winarko, Galuh Oktavia Siswono, Gianto, Hafizah Bahaludin, Hasna khalishfi yasyfa, Imam Syafawi Ahmad, Khreshna Syuhada, Laila Maya Santi, Mimi Hafizah Abdullah, Mohamed Faris Lahem, Novi Sagita Triyanti, Novriana Sumarti, Nurina Zakirah Abdul Wahid, Randy Ansari Nur Hidayat, Rifyan Nasution, Roberd Saragih, Saufi Chairunnisa, Sephia Yustika Wardhani, Yuli Wulandari

Penerbit: ITB Press



This book is the proceeding of the ICOFM (International Conference of Optimization and Financial Mathematics) that has been held in September 16-17, 2023, by the Industrial and Financial Mathematics Research Group, Faculty of Math ematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung. The conference connected various researchers to accelerate the development of optimization and financial mathematics. The conference was held by hybrid; offline and online. This event also served as a tribute to Prof. Kuntjoro Adji Sidarto who was retiring in September 2023. He is one of the frontiers of financial mathematics and optimization in Indonesia, and the Founding Father of Financial Mathematics at ITB. The invited speakers were from Singapore, United Kingdom, Canada, United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Australia, and Indonesia. There were 50 presenters that come from India, Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia. After having been presented in the conference, a numerous qualified papers have been sent to our editorial board, and the decision of this board makes the submission to IndoMS Journal and this proceeding. We hope you can enjoy reading this proceeding and can make benefit at the most for the development of optimization and financial mathematics fields.


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